Sunday, October 19, 2008

Catching up on a few things I missed...

October 18, 1981 - Eddie & the Otters (sans Doug) and the Spuds at Waverly Church

Short sets by both bands for an open house. For whatever reason Doug couldn't make the gig so we played as a 4-piece, the only time we did a gig with Ramone but not Doug.

I have tapes of both sets, but don't have the information handy to post. Maybe someday.
October 12, 1978 - The Psychotic Petunias 45 went on sale for the first time at Jim's Records. The next night Jim B., Jim. S, and I (and Doug??) went to Phase III to see Richard Hell with Diamond Reo as the opening act. I think the next day (the 14th) Hell did an in-store at Jim's then played at the Phase again, but I didn't go. That was the first time I went to Phase III.
October 9, 1982 - Jim B., Eddie, and I sit in with the Flashcats at the Blarney Stone in Etna, at my and Lynda's wedding reception.
October 9, 1987 - I played my first gig with the Cynics at the Electric Banana, alternating sets with the Beatnik Flies (from Washington DC). The next night we played at the Underground Railroad in Morgantown with the Beatnik Flies again, and on the 11th we opened for the Celibate Rifles at The Decade. On the 15th we were back at The Decade opening for the Membranes.
October 9, 1994 - Mon Gumbo opened for Buckwheat Zydeco at The Decade, the last time Jim B. and I played there.

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