Saturday, August 30, 2008

August 30, 2000 - Eddie and the Otters (sort of) at R.J.'s Lounge in North Versailles

Eddie was visiting the Pittsburgh area, and we were able to get together to play. After originally planning to play at Waverly Church, we opted for R.J.'s because of the beer. R.J.'s was (and is) owned by Bob Fedor, a friend of mine (and Jim B.'s) going back to the 2nd grade, and Jim and I had played there a couple of times with Mon Gumbo. Doug was still living in Pittsburgh at the time and brought along a friend of his who played trumpet, and Steve Fisher played bass. Needless to say things were a little rough, with lots of forgotten arrangements, blown chord changes, and the inappropriate trumpet.

Audio - yes, Video - no, Photos - no

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