Monday, September 8, 2008

September 8, 1980 - The Made In Pittsburgh show at the King's Court Theatre, featuring Eddie & the Otters, the Hornets, the Rockin' Ravens, the Flashcats, Empire, Leslie Smith, and the Walk & Roll Brothers. Derf was the Master of Ceremonies.

We got the band back together to play a one-off show at the King's Court to help promote the Made In Pittsburgh Vol. 1 LP. Ramone refused to play with us because he was dedicated to playing with the Hornets, so Steve Fisher joined us on bass. Doug also performed with Leslie Smith's band. I was living in Detroit and reported off work sick for a total of three days because of this show (more on that later). There were two shows, and each band was permitted to play for only 15-20 minutes.

Otters first show - Little Girl / Grand Larceny / I Knew the Bride / Shakin' All Over / Hippy Hippy Shake

Hornets first show - I'm Missing You / Bad News Travels Fast / Girls Don't Change / Magazine Smile / (My Baby's in) Prep School

Otters second show - Red Hot / Grand Larceny / Gloria

Hornets second show - Resort Waitress / The Beach Song / Pipeline / Go Little Honda / Going to the Beach / (My Baby's in) Prep School

We also sang "Happy Birthday" to Linda Spitznagel.

I remember being really psyched to do this show, mostly because I was depressed living in Detroit and I missed playing in the band and I missed everyone. I believe this was the beginning of the decision process which led me to quit my job and move back home by the end of the year. The show was on a Monday night, I think, and so I reported off work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, returning to Detroit Wednesday night. It was tough to go back.

Most of the bands were friendly and hanging out together, particularly the Otters, Hornets, and Flashcats. The Rockin' Ravens kept to themselves, huddled in the corner smoking dope, then went out and blew all the other bands off the stage.

Audio - yes, Video - no, Photos - yes (hopefully to be posted later)

September 8, 1979 - I played my second gig with Chuck Owston after the Otters broke up, at some sort of festival in West Park on the North Side. We went on after the Ozanam Strings, a children's orchestra. While I was moving my drums to the stage following their performance, a young boy who was in the orchestra approached me and said, "Hey, Skip, didn't you used to play with Eddie & the Otters?" Naturally I was completely dumbfounded. It turns out that he was Fugi's younger brother. She'd snuck him into The Decade to see the Ramones, and he actually remembered me from our opening set, and recognized me a year and a half later in a different band. Go figure.



In my opinion this was the worst gig The Hornets ever played. I used to cringe when I remembered it! Now it seems funny. I do recall it being fun to hang out with all those folks.

Roger Ramjet said...

I only saw the Hornets on one other occasion (at Sonny Daye's) but I was very impressed with this show and got a lot of enjoyment from listening to the tape over the years.